B and H Gears Oldham, Lancashire. Gear manufacturers. Gear suppliers UK

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Welcome to B and H Gears. We have been manufacturing gears for over 30 years and have extensive experience in this field. But thats not all we do we take a look around our site to see the wide range of projects we can undertake.

CNC TurningMillingDrillingKeywayHeat treatmentGrinding


We take our environmental responsibilities very seriously.

manufacturing and the environmentPackaging

Wherever we can we reduce packaging on our products we do. We also recycle all the paper we use in the office. After it has been shredded we use it to pack our products in boxes.


We try to reduce journeys as much as possible. The courier service we use try as much as is possible to have return pick ups.


We reduce electricity consumption wherever we can. Whether it be in our lighting, heating and our machinery.


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